Checkered Flag Promotions Checkered Flag Productions Online Registration System
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Welcome to the Checkered Flag Promotions new registration system on Raceday!

Please take a moment to fill out your profile, add your vehicles and then register for an event!

Sign in to Raceday!

Need an Account?

Don't have a Raceday account yet? No problem! Sign up is simple and takes less than 60 seconds to complete.

Sign up for a free account!

Forget your Logon? It happens, no problem! Simply use the USERNAME or password recovery options above. Please do NOT create an additional account.

If you don't receive a reset email, check these items:

  • Are you using the same email address as when you created the account? If not, please contact us to change your email address.
  • Are you using a valid username? If you are unsure, contact us and we'll look it up.
  • Have you checked your SPAM folder?